Guardlog ensures that security guards carry out their patrols effectively.
A computerised system, designed to replace the traditional Night Watchman’s clock, is as effective as having a supervisor patrol with each guard.
- Simple to use.
- Ensures guards remain productive – Night and Day.
- Monitoring of guard routes and the times at which strategic points were visited.
- Identifies guards who are not patrolling properly, or not at all!
- Enables supervisors to eliminate security problems.
- Provides extensive reports about guard activity.
- Allows you to focus patrol routes where and when you need them.
- Developed, manufactured and supported locally ensures robust products and reliable service.
Providing the perfect solution to an age old problem, Guardlog has proven popular with end users and security companies alike.
How does it work?
- The guard is issued with a baton onto which he registers his identity tag upon commencing a shift.
- When out on patrol the guard is required to tag his baton upon the monitoring points installed at strategic stages along the route.
- The patrol data is subsequently downloaded from the baton via a docking station linked to the PC.
- Reports may then be generated to assess the diligence of the various guards in carrying out their patrols e.g. missed point, missed route, point visited out of order, point visited outside specified time, etc.